Friday 28 November 2008



Next Thursday, thats the 4th December, at 5.30pm in Guild Council Chambers. It would be great to see as many students there as possible voicing their opinions on Sport!!! Lets be there in force!! Please send in any agenda items you wish to bring up.

The last sports night is also on the 10th Dec, Xmas theme!! Lets have one more great night out before the end of term....

Thursday 13 November 2008


Voting for NUS Delegate elections are coming up!! The voting begins on Monday 17th in the morning, and and finishes tuesday evening. Voting can be done very simply through mybham, and there will be polling stations around campus over the two days.

Make sure you get out and vote!!!!!!!!

Monday 3 November 2008

Student Sports Forum

Firstly, a huge thank you to those that attended the forum. It is going to be such a great way to voice the opinion of Sport to the University, so we must keep it running and well supported with as many ppl there as possible, as this gives us a greater voice.

Two main points came out of the forum in particular. The first was looking at the Guild Sports, and in particular what they may gain from being an AU club, if indeed they wanted to be. Motor racing and Sky Diving both raised good points to take forward surronding budget in particular.

We also had a discussion about Sports Night as I felt that many members in the University thought that only ppl playing sport for the University could attend. This is completely untrue, and students that play intraleague or take part in active lifestyles are so welcome to attend Sports nights. Its not only a great way to meet people but also meet people who do sports that maybe you would never consider trying or watching. This university offers so much in the way of support and oppotuninty.

Please email me with any questions.