Tuesday 9 December 2008

Current Work

Thank you to all those that attended the SSF. It was better attended than the first with some really positive outcomes. I would also like to reiterate a point that I have in my possesion a large amount of Reebok tracksuits that are up for sale at a incredible price of £2 each. If anyone is interested, please get in touch. All the money raised goes towards the AU dinner.

Other current work at the moment revolves around the Guild sports clubs and trying to support them in as many ways possible as often they do not have the same financial clout as the AU clubs. The work is not to find more cash, but to support in otherways like helping with sponsorship, websites etc......

Work and planning is also progressing with the AU Dinner, and hoping to have tickets on sale early January.

The last sports night of the year is also this Wednesday 10th, Xmas theme!!

And lastly, with the impending RA training this weekend, I am preparing presentations and work for the new sports officers to learn from, so that hopefully they are ready for their year in office.........

Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year!!

Friday 28 November 2008



Next Thursday, thats the 4th December, at 5.30pm in Guild Council Chambers. It would be great to see as many students there as possible voicing their opinions on Sport!!! Lets be there in force!! Please send in any agenda items you wish to bring up.

The last sports night is also on the 10th Dec, Xmas theme!! Lets have one more great night out before the end of term....

Thursday 13 November 2008


Voting for NUS Delegate elections are coming up!! The voting begins on Monday 17th in the morning, and and finishes tuesday evening. Voting can be done very simply through mybham, and there will be polling stations around campus over the two days.

Make sure you get out and vote!!!!!!!!

Monday 3 November 2008

Student Sports Forum

Firstly, a huge thank you to those that attended the forum. It is going to be such a great way to voice the opinion of Sport to the University, so we must keep it running and well supported with as many ppl there as possible, as this gives us a greater voice.

Two main points came out of the forum in particular. The first was looking at the Guild Sports, and in particular what they may gain from being an AU club, if indeed they wanted to be. Motor racing and Sky Diving both raised good points to take forward surronding budget in particular.

We also had a discussion about Sports Night as I felt that many members in the University thought that only ppl playing sport for the University could attend. This is completely untrue, and students that play intraleague or take part in active lifestyles are so welcome to attend Sports nights. Its not only a great way to meet people but also meet people who do sports that maybe you would never consider trying or watching. This university offers so much in the way of support and oppotuninty.

Please email me with any questions.

Monday 27 October 2008

Just another reminder, Student Sports Forum this wednesday at 5.30 in Guild Council Chambers. Please make as many people as possible aware that it is happening.

With Hannah away for a couple of weeks, I am also involved in the phase 3 building works for the guild. Also, nominations are now open for NUS delegate elections, and packs can be downloaded from the internet. Any questions please do email me, or the R&D department.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

I also attended a West Midlands Higher Education Sport (WMHES) meeting. This meeting incorporates not only sports officers, but their respective Director of Sport's as well. The meeting gives the officers an idea of what the DoS's are working on in the region, and the relationship with Sport England.

The student Sports forum is nearing as well. 5.30, wednesday 29th October. Anybody and everybody is welcome who is involved in Sport at some level within the University. This is the way to get your voice heard!!!

My personal thanks to the Football team who wholeheartedly got behind the 'Kick it out' scheme, and not only that but I am glad to say they won their match as well, 1-0.

Monday 13 October 2008

This Wednesday 15th, there is a football match on the Athletics track at 4pm, supporting the 'Lets kick out racism' campaign. Please show your support and get as many people there as possible.

Monday 6 October 2008

The student sports forum is as we speak being put in place. We will have 2 meetings in the first term, on the 29th October and 4th December. This will give any person on campus who plays sport the oppotunity to come and voice their opinion about any issues to do with sport, being positive or negative.

Next wednesday, there is a football match that will be supporting the 'Lets kick it out' scheme. The idea is to support removing racism from sport, and in particular football. It would be great if we could get as many people there as possible!!!! more details will follow

A meeting with all the club captains will take place this afternoon, just laying out expectations this year and any questions they may have at this early stage.

The first sports night was also very successful and well attended, as was the well being fair. A personal thankyou from me to all the societies and companies that attended, as well as all the staff, as the day was absolutely fantastic.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Well I hope eveyone is ready, Welcome Week is about to kick off. So much work has gone in to this coming week so i hope it is thoroughly enjoyed by all students. From my personal point of view, make sure the well being fair and Sports fair are visited. Both will be awsome events and well worth turning up too.

Club 1-2-1s are also at the end of this week, where hopefully goals, aims and objectives will be set out for the coming year.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Hello again guys

Well I hoped everyone enjoyed the olympics. It was such a fantastic showcase for sport, especially for team GB of course, but also for University sport, as so many of the athletes competing are still in HE. It just shows the current importance of University Sport. And if you havent noticed, the football season has started again, with manchester city spending 32.5million pounds on Robinho, only for him to be sold in January to Chelsea ( watch this space....)

Personally, here at the Guild, its been hectic. Most of the plans and preperations are now in place for the Well-being fair, on the 22nd September, and it should be a great day. Hopefully we will have a number of different socs to talk to, information to sample, relaxing massages and competitions on a Wii board just to name a few things. Club 1-2-1s are also on the horizon, so I am looking forward to officially meeting all the club captains for the coming year.

The first regional BUCs meeting has also been held, where I met a few more of the sports officers in the west mids region!! Hopefully these meetings will be vitally important this year in communicating with BUCs, but also in understanding what else is going on in Sport at other institutions.

Sport at Birmingham has also been re-branded, and is now known as UBS, University of Birmingham Sport (not USB).

Monday 11 August 2008

The First Blog

Bonjourno everyone

Im Mark, or Sparky, and I am the Vice-President of Sport. And this is my first blog. I thought I would give you an idea of whats been going on the in the last month. We have had a very useful months training, with in-house training and trips away on NUS events included. This involved trips to Hertfordshire for 'Active Political Leadership' and to Bristol for 'Developing your members'. Both events were great for networking and picking up useful ideas for the coming year. The in-house training was great to see how we as an exec team will work together, and the way we all think and operate. It also helped to plan our ideas and strategy for the coming 12 months.

Having moved into office now, and pretty much settled and sorted, focus is on the next couple of months. Plans are beginning to take place for the well-being fair on Monday 22nd of Sept, and the Sports fair on Wednesday 24th Sept (which will now also include guild sport societies). Watch this space...... Hopefully many of you will be there!!!