Wednesday 17 September 2008

Well I hope eveyone is ready, Welcome Week is about to kick off. So much work has gone in to this coming week so i hope it is thoroughly enjoyed by all students. From my personal point of view, make sure the well being fair and Sports fair are visited. Both will be awsome events and well worth turning up too.

Club 1-2-1s are also at the end of this week, where hopefully goals, aims and objectives will be set out for the coming year.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Hello again guys

Well I hoped everyone enjoyed the olympics. It was such a fantastic showcase for sport, especially for team GB of course, but also for University sport, as so many of the athletes competing are still in HE. It just shows the current importance of University Sport. And if you havent noticed, the football season has started again, with manchester city spending 32.5million pounds on Robinho, only for him to be sold in January to Chelsea ( watch this space....)

Personally, here at the Guild, its been hectic. Most of the plans and preperations are now in place for the Well-being fair, on the 22nd September, and it should be a great day. Hopefully we will have a number of different socs to talk to, information to sample, relaxing massages and competitions on a Wii board just to name a few things. Club 1-2-1s are also on the horizon, so I am looking forward to officially meeting all the club captains for the coming year.

The first regional BUCs meeting has also been held, where I met a few more of the sports officers in the west mids region!! Hopefully these meetings will be vitally important this year in communicating with BUCs, but also in understanding what else is going on in Sport at other institutions.

Sport at Birmingham has also been re-branded, and is now known as UBS, University of Birmingham Sport (not USB).